Friday, 14 August 2015

Let's save our girls from Cutting Please

EVERY year around July and August, thousands of girls disappear from homes and schools for extended holidays never to return the same again.

It’s a part of the annual “cutting season” where girls younger than 15 are sent to visit relatives only to have their genitalia mutilated using knives, scissors or pieces of glass and sometimes sewn up using thorns.


 “Summer generally is what they call the cutting season which also means that people have often taken girls abroad in the summer holidays to have this done’’


If you notice any changes in your neighbour, friends and relatives kids please contact the officials. This is a barbaric practice and no one should be going through this in the 21st Century.  It has been proved beyond doubt how dangerous this is to girls and women.

Let’s show female genital mutilation the red card this summer!


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