Friday, 21 August 2015

As school opens please look out for signs of female genital mutilation!


As summer holiday draws to an end, there are girls who may have been cut. It is vital for schools to create a culture where children feel able to come forward if they have been a victim of FGM, or suspect that a friend might have. If a child approaches a member of staff, they need to be able to act on this information.


If a child has already undergone the procedure it should be reported so that the child is provided with appropriate care and support. Signs that could indicate a girl has had FGM include:

  • Going to the toilet more often than usual or for a long time.
  • Not able to cross her legs when sitting on the floor.
  •  Trying to get out of PE.
  • Urinary tract infections, being in pain, clutching her body.
  • Sudden changes in behaviour (quiet/subdued/misbehaving).
  • Talking about something somebody did to them that they are not allowed to discuss.
  • Avoiding old friends
What to do if you are concerned about someone who is at risk of FGM

  • Talk to them about your concerns
  • Talk to your safeguarding officer

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