Monday, 14 May 2012

Married to a Devil by Abigal Muchecheti

Writing the book was  a challenge with all the issues that I touched about,one which I am going to briefly touch base on. Witchcraft.

 I read an article today about a whole family hacked to death in Burundi because they were accused of witchcraft. I know these things happens in some parts of Africa and when I was growing up,there was always talk of so and so being a witch. Sometimes we were even told not to eat anything or share anything at school with kids of those mothers suspected of witchcraft. As a young girl,it was very difficult to get to understand the whys and what of witchcraft. But growing older does not make it any easier. There is no scientific or biological proof that a person is born a witch.
What gives another human being to say somebody is a witch? What is it they see to be convinced that a person is a witch? In ''Married to a Devil'' witchcraft is central to disability and failed marriages.

Do withches actually eat human flesh?
If I was back in the village even talking or questioning this issue would have been considered too risky. For the case in Burundi,the whole family including a 8 month were all killed because of witchcraft. Would that ever be justified? What would an 8 months old baby have done to anybody?

Since its an area I dont know much about except relating to Vimbai's story I hope people out there can comment about the issue. For all I know it's wrong to accuse and kill people for something that can not be proven beyond reasonable doubt.

Food for thought people

1 comment:

  1. I think most African lifestyles border on superstition. If we can unlearn effectively and define our lives centred on reality and empowering ourselves we can go long way. Maybe our education curriculum didnt prepare us enough for the harsh realities of life. We were groomed to be workers for a long time. But we are gifted people when it comes to creativity, initiatives ....
