Have you ever wondered why men cheat?
in His Genes
Men have higher levels of testosterone. This hormone,
which also causes risky behavior and increased levels of violence in men,
“influences” guys to cheat .Now, this isn’t an excuse – don’t try telling your girlfriend
or wife that it was the testosterone that made you do it – it’s just a
scientific fact that makes it harder for men to keep their hands to themselves.
Essentially, it shouldn’t take a lot of willpower for men to stay loyal; it
isn’t like the testosterone is whispering, “Sleep with the cute blonde girl
now!” Rather, this hormone only acts as a fuel – the man holds the keys.
Needs Sexual Fulfilment
Many men turn to infidelity when they aren’t being
fulfilled in the bedroom Sure, it sounds like a pretty shallow reason for
seeking another woman’s company, but sex (or lack thereof) can be a deal
breaker for many men. Maintaining a healthy sex life is an integral part of any
relationship, and it can definitely keep a man’s eyes from wandering. But, once
again, it’s important to keep in mind that going a few days or weeks without
any sex is not an excuse to go cheat on your woman.
Needs an Ego Boost
Men like feeling powerful and in control, and it’s
possible that they feel empowered when they have multiple sexual partners. Most
guys also like feeling accomplished and successful, and they’re more inclined
to start a romance with women who give them confidence. This might explain why
40% of men find their “cheating partners” at work. Regardless, this ego boost
can encourage men to continue with their sexual indiscretion. Now, it takes a
pretty insecure man to be unfaithful just because it helps his confidence;
self-assurance should be gained from within. ...
He Doesn’t Love Her
This is the true, underlying cause for many cases of
infidelity. If you aren’t really feeling the spark, then why are you together?
Love is the glue that holds the relationship together. Without it, there isn’t
much keeping men (and women) from doing things that may harm one another. The
respect, faithfulness, and honesty that come with love may disappear when trust
is broken, but if the love was never present (or if it has faded away) then men
are more likely to cheat without remorse. For the sake of the relationship,
it’s important to make sure that both people are feeling the love before they
decide to get serious.
doing it for Revenge
Maybe his girlfriend or wife cheated on him, and the only
way he can get over it is to do the same thing she did to him…it’s missing a
bit of logic, but it’s a plausible scenario. After all, some men just aren’t
very good at expressing their feelings. Of course, the first step would be to
communicate with his unfaithful partner.
Regardless of the reasons listed above, cheating isn’t
likely to solve any of the underlying problems in a relationship. Along with
that, cheating goes against the fundamental trust required of any fulfilling
relationship. When sexual indiscretion takes place, the relationship takes a
huge hit to the core, sometimes destroying the trust, honesty, and love that
were once intrinsic to it. So, if you find yourself considering cheating, it
may be time to re-evaluate your relationship – not just for your own sake, but
also for the sake of your partner.
Talk to your partner!